Proposals for the junction of Edgware Road and Harrow Road
Have your say on proposals for the junction of Edgware Road and Harrow Road.
Transport for London’s (TfL) Safer Junctions programme is reducing road danger at some of the most dangerous junctions in London. These junctions have high collision rates for vulnerable road users, including people walking and cycling. This programme directly contributes to their Vision Zero target to stop people from dying and being seriously injured on London’s road network by 2041.
The objectives of the Safer Junction programme are to:
- Reduce road danger and help eliminate Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) collisions.
- Help create streets where people feel safe to walk, cycle and use public transport.
- Make hostile junctions more welcoming and less dominated by motor vehicles, demonstrating the Healthy Streets Approach.
In the last three years there were 29 personal injury collisions, of which five resulted in serious injuries (17.2%).
A number of issues have been identified with the current junction layout:
- Pedestrians not using designated crossing points.
- Existing pedestrian islands are narrow.
- There is a lack of cycle facilities, especially southbound where the road layout is not cycle friendly.
Applies to the whole junction
- To introduce a 20mph speed limit across the junction.
- To widen all pedestrian crossings to make for a more comfortable and safer crossing.
North of the Marylebone Flyover
- To ban the left turn from Harrow Road into Edgware Road northbound.
- To build out the northwest corner to remove the slip road and provide a better pedestrian environment.
- To convert the staggered crossing to a straight across crossing to create better and safer routes to and from Edgware Road Bakerloo line station.
- To make Bell Street no exit onto Edgware Road.
- To change the current three lane road layout to two traffic lanes and a cycle lane through the junction.
- To widen the southbound bus lane to 4.5m as it passes the bus stop.
- To install a cyclist early start signal on southbound Edgware Road.
South of the Marylebone Flyover
- To convert the short section of Edgware Road northbound bus lane beneath the flyover into cycle lane.
- To install a cyclist early start signal at the junction heading northbound on Edgware Road.
- On Harrow Road westbound to reduce the road width to two lanes by building out the footway on the southwest corner, to provide a better pedestrian environment.
- To reduce the width of the westbound slip road from Marylebone Road to one 4.5m lane by building out the footway on the southeast corner of the junction to provide a better pedestrian environment.
- To remove the guardrail and narrow the pedestrian island of the pedestrian crossing to the south of the flyover to allow for an 8.0m width on the southbound Edgware Road to prevent traffic merging with cyclists.
Additional proposals for the area around the junction
These proposals are not part of the Safer Junction improvements. However, opportunities have been identified to improve air quality and priority space for buses in the area and TfL would like to know your views on these additional proposals.
Improving bus journey times northbound
Just north of the Edgware Road/Harrow Road junction the road narrows and creates a bottleneck for traffic. Changing the footpath layout here allows for the bus lane to be extended north of Newcastle Place, removing the bottleneck for northbound buses.
Electric vehicle charging point for taxis
TfL are proposing to install a rapid charging point that will be for use by taxis. This would be beneath the flyover on the southeast side of the junction and accessed via the westbound slip road off Marylebone Road.
Sustainable Drainage
The Joe Strummer pedestrian subway which is located underneath the junction of Edgware Road and Harrow Road has been closed for some time now due to anti-social behaviour. TfL propose to fill in the ramp and stairs area of three entrances with soil and vegetation in order to create a series of rain gardens. These are Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) features which will take surface water run-off from the adjacent pavement and road and help to reduce flood risk whilst creating an attractive space for people and wildlife.
Next Steps
Following this consultation TfL will analyse the responses and review the design. They will then seek the necessary powers and, subject to this consultation, are planning to implement this scheme in 2020.
Join us at an exhibition to view the proposals in more detail and meet the team from TfL on:
Tuesday 25 June, between 12 and 2pm, and between 4 and 7pm at the Church Street Regeneration Centre, 31-33 Church Street (next to Woods Chemist), NW8 8ES
Wednesday 10 July, between 12 and 2pm, and between 4 and 7pm at 5 Merchant Square (ground floor reception), W2 1AS
Please let TfL know your views on the proposals by:
Completing the feedback form at the exhibition or posting it to ‘FREEPOST TfL Consultations’
You can complete the online survey.
You can email
Consultation closes on Thursday 25 July 2019.