Paddington students inspired by Malala's visit to Vodafone
Paddington students were invited take part in a webinar on Thursday 26 July at Vodafone’s Head Office in Paddington. Vodafone employees from across the globe and students from a Kenyan school supported by the Vodafone Foundation, joined the Q&A session with Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai.

The students began the day in Vodafone’s V-Lab. They spent the morning competing via their mobiles in a fast-paced quiz on the role of technology in society, before meeting Pepper the Robot. Pepper is a human-shaped robot that Vodafone employees are currently learning to programme.

The action-packed morning also included a presentation on Vodafone’s Future Jobs Finder. This interactive tool has been developed to introduce young people to job roles within the digital economy. Based on responses to psychometric test questions, the tool identifies the most appropriate roles for an individual and provides links to current job opportunities and training courses.
Representatives from The Vodafone Foundation demonstrated a product called the Instant Classroom. This portable, reinforced box, is enabling students across the globe to access a digital education through providing tablets, internet access and projector facilities to some of the most remote communities in the world.

At lunchtime, the students joined hundreds of Vodafone colleagues, plus the thousands connecting online, to meet Malala. Despite all she has achieved, Malala spoke humbly about her studies, international work and the important role of her family. Addressing the young people directly, she encouraged them all, regardless of their age, to stand up and speak out for causes they care about. This unique and very privileged opportunity was not lost on the students, who all spoke afterwards of how inspiring it had been.

"I was particularly inspired when Malala spoke about change. She told us not to wait until we are older to make a difference, but to do what we can now" (Jade Lucas, Harris Westminster Sixth Form).
"It was amazing to learn how technology is enabling companies such as Vodafone to provide an education to those who lack the opportunity. I was moved by Malala's dedication towards advocating women's education. The session has made me feel hopeful for the future. A lot of progress can be made by taking action and standing up for what you believe in" (Gulled Bulhan, Westminster Academy).
If your business is keen to connect with young people in the local area – to deliver careers talks, host work experience or invite students to events at your offices, please do not hesitate to contact our Community Programme Manager, Emily. We would be delighted to support you to develop relationships with Paddington’s schools, colleges and youth clubs.