Paddington Prepares for Packed Spring Clean Programme
Between 22 March and 23 April, the Paddington Community Programme will be hosting ten events as part of this year’s Great British Spring Clean.

Building on the success of the canal-based clean in 2018; when over 150 corporate volunteers, local residents and members of community groups removed litter from the tow path and waterway, this year the Community Programme’s schedule of events is expanding to cover the wider Paddington area.

The activity will begin on Friday 22 March at St Luke’s Primary School. A team of 20 colleagues from Visa will be volunteering alongside school pupils to litter pick the playgrounds before tackling various gardening tasks to end the afternoon. Hanging baskets will be made, flower beds weeded and the Reception Class garden transformed with a selection of spring and summer flowering plants.

Later in the month volunteers will support teachers and pupils at Paddington Green, St Saviour’s, King Solomon Academy and Westminster Academy to spring clean playgrounds and the local community as part of the Great Big School Clean; as well as visiting Paddington’s parks, community gardens and boarding GoBoats to remove debris from the canal. Teams will head out on the water for an hour at a time armed with nets and litter pickers. Last year volunteers pulled bikes, road signs and picnic tables out of the water.

We’ll be posting from each event on social media, so do look out for all the before and after photographs as spaces are transformed over the coming weeks. If you would like further information about any of the events being held as part of the Great British Spring Clean, or know of a space that could benefit from a similar transformation, please don’t hesitate to contact Emily, the Community Programme Manager.