Changes at Lillian Penson Hall: Refurbishment of Student Accommodation in Talbot Square
The University of London is bringing forward proposals for the refurbishment of Lillian Penson Hall in Paddington’s Talbot Square.
Lillian Penson Hall, a major student accommodation block, sits within Talbot Square, overlooking the gardens to the south and Conduit Place to the north, from where the building is serviced. The building sits within the Bayswater Conservation Area and operates as a student hall of residence which includes 313 rooms and associated amenities over a ground floor and six upper floors for students attending the University of London.

The existing building is tired, outdated and fails to provide the quality of accommodation expected by modern-day students. It does not contribute to the setting of its conservation area nor its listed neighbours and is not energy efficient. At roof-level there is a significant amount of unsightly, outdated plant and equipment that is visible in local views.
Proposals include:
- Refurbishment of facilities and rooms with fully modernised accommodation that meets the needs of the modern University of London student.
- Removing the cluttered plant equipment from roof level and replacing this with a single storey mansard extension which will provide additional student accommodation.
- Remodelling the façade and recladding the front and the rear elevations so that they sit more harmoniously within the local context and improve the building in local views.
- Replacing the windows and providing new plant equipment concealed within the basement and a rooftop enclosure in order to improve the building’s energy performance and appearance.
- Improving the building servicing including a reconfigured loading bay on Conduit Place and internal refuse and recycling storage facilities.
- Adopting air-source heat pump technology to minimise the energy needed for heating.
- Introducing intensive and extensive roofs to improve the site’s biodiversity and habitat for insects.

Please email to register for one of the webinars by 26 February 2021. You can also give comments using the same email address or by calling 020 3900 3676. Consultation will help shape more detailed plans for the site ahead of submitting a planning application to Westminster City Council in the coming months.