Help Shape your Neighbourhood
Interested in local development issues? If you live or work in Paddington you can help shape your area by getting involved in the local Neighbourhood Forum. Established in 2017, the Hyde Park and Paddington Forum involves local residents and businesses who have come together to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan for the area. Neighbourhood Forums have their basis in the Localism Act 2011, and there are more than ten Forums across Westminster. Some have already created and adopted Neighbourhood Plans, like Mayfair and Knightsbridge.

The Hyde Park Paddington Neighbourhood Forum has prioritised attention on Praed Street, Edgware Road and Connaught Village – and the routes and connections between these three areas. By bidding for local Community Infrastructure Levy funding the Forum is championing improvements across the area.

Find out more by visiting where you can join up if you live or work in the area shown on the map above. You can download the map to check you qualify here. Meetings take place every three or four months and are held locally.