Help Name our GoBoats
GoBoat London take to the water at Paddington Basin this summer, launching with a fleet of eight boats.
The self-drive hire boats form part of a package of new investment in Paddington made by the Canal & River Trust, European Land, British Land, Derwent London and The Paddington Partnership. The boats are made from recycled plastic bottles and are electrically powered.
GoBoat London will get people who visit, live and work in Paddington onto the water and we’re asking you to help us name some of the boats.
We’re sticking firmly with maritime tradition on this one and naming the boats after women. There are several theories about boats having feminine names, but the most popular is that vessels are named after goddesses.
We have selected 15 female names associated with Paddington, including royal connections, literary references, medical heritage, stage, politics, science and engineering, law, transport and the emergency services.
GoBoat London will offer a unique, social adventure on our canal. In keeping with this we’ve not only chosen important female figures in Paddington’s history, but in some cases we’ve added a playful twist.
Please cast your votes in our online poll by 17 April.
As the GoBoat London fleet grows we’ll be assigning more names to boats, so do keep an eye out to see if your chosen name makes it onto a GoBoat.